Posted on June 30, 2024 · Posted in General










On 30 June 2024, a group of EITA staff set off for a 4-day, 3-night retreat at the Tioman Paya Beach Spa & Dive Resort. The trip, aimed at fun, relaxation, and bonding with the extended EITA family, included 81 participants. The 5.5-hour journey to Teluk Gading Jetty provided a good opportunity for rest. At noon, the group boarded a ferry for a 2-hour ride to Tioman Island. Upon arrival at the resort, the remainder of the day was spent settling in and unwinding.

On Day 2, the group enjoyed various fun, exciting, and relaxing activities. These included snorkelling at Renggis Island, a rockfall and mangrove swamp walk, ATV rides along the jungle trek, and body massages. The day concluded with a seafood dinner buffet, offering an abundance of delicious options.























Day 3 featured beach team-building activities, including water balloon games, treasure hunts, and tug of war. Everyone participated enthusiastically, and prizes were awarded to the winning teams. Afterward, the group engaged in a CSR activity, cleaning the beach at Paya Beach Resort.
































To cap off the final night, the group enjoyed a surprise lobster and seafood dinner courtesy of our GMD. Suffice to say, this annual trip isn’t going to forgotten by everyone any time soon!